[Biginner] About Moving Parts!

Hi ! there !

I’ve been trying to figure out how to use the moving parts tool in Molflow .

but as far as I searched, there isn’t enough explanation anywhere.

So could somebody let me know how the tool works and how to use this ?


Hey Jang-Woong!
Sorry for the delayed reply. Moving parts were introduced and briefly explained in @maarton 's thesis (see appendix B.3 Moving parts).
If you still have further questions, feel free to ask!


Hi Jang-Woong,
In addition to the reference by my colleague Pascal, moving parts means adding a fixed or calculated velocity value to the molecule if it hits a moving part.
Moving part hits are marked with purple when you enable Hits view.

You can define one global motion vector (fixed or rotating), and all facets which have the “moving parts” checkbox enabled on advanced facet parameters will add the velocity vetor to the rebound direction vectorially.