Hi - I have a student working and trying to run this on linux. I’ll let Greg describe the bug he found:
For the MolFlow v2.9.12_beta install on ubuntu only (not windows), the program will not save any files. Lists incorrect file extension even if file type is specified. This is not an issue in MolFlow v2.8.12.
Thank you Marcy, we have only a handful of Ubuntu users so it’s good to know of problems we wouldn’t catch.
I tested 2.9.12 on Ubuntu 22.04 and I could save test files, either by typing .zip or without:
Can you student paste here what he’s doing step by step, and where he’s trying to save?
Hi, following up on this with more information. I was able to save when using Ubuntu 22.04 with gcc-13 installed on another computer. However, on Ubuntu 18.04 with gcc-10 installed when I build Molflow+ 2.9.12 beta (from a cloned repo using cmake) I am unable to save the work.
Building this way creates an executable which has all the functions shown in the tutorial, besides saving. When I attempt to save, either by specifying a file type, or allowing the file type to autofill, I am prompted with this error.
Thank you - Greg
Thank you Greg.
I tried a few combinations (although only with Ubuntu 22.04, as I don’t have a 18.04 image) and I can’t reproduce it, but I will change the file extensions test logic (now using a somewhat legacy string manipulation) and keep testing before releasing 2.9.13.
Many thanks for the detailed report, Marton