Collapsing Facets of imported Geometry

Hello, I am using Molflow+ 2.8.8 and have run into an issue trying to collapse facets using a geometry I am importanting. Ill be attaching the STL bellow for reference. I made this vacuum setup, 12 cylindrical pumps connected to a large vacuum region, in solidworks, and I’m having issues with the 12 cylindrical pumps at the top of the device. The pumps are all identical. I created one pump then used the pattern command to make 12 exact copies.

The image attached bellow is what happens when I collapse the facets. Some of the pumps collapse so that the cap is one complete facet, but the rest are still a collection of triangles. Any idea what might be going on here? I highlighted two of the pumps, one that collapsed successfully and one that did not.

Core_model_1.STL (783.3 KB)

Hello Skyler and welcome!

The reason for not collapsing is that these facets are not exactly in the same plane, due to coordinate imprecision (your CAD editor only exports 7 significant digits:)

The solution is to use the Facet / Project command to force all vertices to be on the same plane.

Step by step instructions with screenshots are on pages 12 and 13 of this document:

Good luck, Marton

Thank you for the quick reply Marton, this was exactly what I needed.