Designing in Molflow

Can i get help on designing dome shaped structure in Molflow?

Molflow has a basic geometry editor for pipes and sinple structures, but for something custom as a dome you need an extrrnal Cad editor, save the file as STL ascii and import the geometry to Molflow.

Ok, Thanks for the information.

Hello Sunil:

I’ve modeled almost any geometry during the past 10 years, using always the built-in editor, no CAD (although I’ve worked and modified CAD models made by others).
It depends on what you mean with “dome shaped structure”… like a half-sphere on top of a cylindrical body? That’s easy… e-mail me at, or post here the details/dimensions of the geometry you want to model, and I’ll try to do a step-by-step tutorial/demo for you within a reasonable time (next few days unless some new important task come up, by right now activities at CERN are rather slow, vacation time…).

Hello rkerseva,
Thanks for the help. You understood rightly what I meant by dome shaped structure. Yes, half sphere on top of a cylinder. or you can also call it a dish cover. I will send you the dimensions.
Thanks again