I tried to install molflow on a mac (Mojave 10.14.6) following these instructions. After successfully insalling all the packages, including gsl, when I try to execute molflow I get the following error:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/gsl/lib/libgsl.23.dylib
I tried with both molflow 2.7.8 and 2.7.0 and I get the same error. I also checked that indeed there is no gsl folder in /usr/local/opt/ but only the following libraries related to gsl:
Is molflow is looking for the wrong gsl dylib version (25 instead of 23?) and also in the wrong place? Please let me know if anybody has an idea on how to proceed. Thanks for your help.
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZTINSt3__14__fs10filesystem16filesystem_errorE
Referenced from: /Users/****/molflow_mac_2.7.9/./molflow (which was built for Mac OS X 10.15)
Expected in: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
It seems to me that the problem might be that I still have OS 10.14 Mojave. I will upgrade to Catalina 10.15 and hopefully it will work. However if you know a way to make it work on 10.14 Mojave, please let me know.
On MacOS 10.15, I could get Molflow 2.7.8 working the following way:
cd /usr/local/opt/gsl/lib/ (to switch to the dir where libgsl.23.dylib is missing)
ln -s libgsl.25.dylib libgsl.23.dylib(it creates a symlink redirecting libgsl.23.dylib to the newer version)
Then I could launch Molflow 2.7.8
In your case there seems to be an extra step (you say that there is no /usr/local/opt/gsl/lib/ folder), you could try brew reinstall gsl --verbose to see where it installs the libraries.
Meanwhile we are working to compile a backward compatible version (the "which was built for 10.15") is our fault