I have NEVER gotten Molflow to work on MacOS. I just upgraded to Big Sur to try again with the latest version; no luck as usual. I always get a library error despite following all the instructions. For version 2.8.5 I get…
alan@TAE6965-MLAP ~ % /Applications/Molflow/molflow_mac_2.8.5/molflow ; exit;
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE12find_last_ofEPKcmm
Referenced from: /Applications/Molflow/molflow_mac_2.8.5/molflow
Expected in: /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
in /Applications/Molflow/molflow_mac_2.8.5/molflow
zsh: abort /Applications/Molflow/molflow_mac_2.8.5/molflow
libstdc++.6.dylib is installed at the correct location as an alias.
For version 2.9.0 I get…
TAE6965-MLAP:molflow_mac_2.9.0 alan$ ./Molflow
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/libomp/lib/libomp.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/Molflow/molflow_mac_2.9.0/./Molflow
Reason: image not found
Abort trap: 6
@pbahr will update the documentation that will allow to fix missing libraries “forever”.
Meanwhile, could you try to install the libomp package and try 2.9 again? It’s a new dependency for 2.9 and we forgot to add it to the documentation.
Hello Alan,
as macOS and its build-tools are constantly updated, it can break support for older versions of Molflow or older versions of macOS. Our current build system is running macOS Big Sur, hence the newer releases should work, when you’re running macOS 11.x as well and have the necessary dependencies installed (just as Marton explained).
The easiest fix (also for Linux) is to build the binary for yourself. I have updated the instructions on our project page on Gitlab, which should make the build process fairly easy.
If you need some support, please let me know.
libstdc++.6.dylib is installed at the correct location as an alias.
I assume the problem could be with the minor version, with which the binary has been linked. libstdc++.6.dylib is just a symlink by itself to a file such as libstdc++.6.0.9.dylib
Just a small precision for Pascal’s answer: after opening the link in the previous comment, you find the Mac build instructions when clicking Repository/Files on the left menu and scroll down, or when you open the readme using this direct link.
Could you report back whether you could run molflow in the end?
I’m trying to install in a MAc but I still wasn’t able to do it, even following the instructions left here, I’m not a software guy…
Libraries and brew looks installed correctly but:
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZTTNSt3__114basic_ifstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE
Referenced from: /Users/marceloferreira/Arq/VacuumSimulations/Molflow+/Molflow_bin/molflow_mac_2.9.5/./molflow (which was built for Mac OS X 12.0)
Expected in: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
in /Users/marceloferreira/Arq/VacuumSimulations/Molflow+/Molflow_bin/molflow_mac_2.9.5/./molflow
Abort trap: 6
Hey Marcelo,
The macOS public builds are usually for the most up2date versions of the operating system (Monterey by now). Since your system is still on Catalina, you would either have to update to a new release or update your version of macOS.
Not recommended: If this is not possible you could try one of the older versions and see if they run on macOS Catalina.
Thanks for the input! I was guessing would be something on that direction, I tried several older versions but it means, I need to find the correct libraries also (in version…).
I’ll find a Windows machine and run it on the last version to be more efficient in my time.
I made another question on hardware options in the forum, if I need to find a new machine at least I have something dedicated to that, until the era of real machines ends, and we move to VM only.
Hey Marcelo,
another option would be that you try to build Molflow from scratch on your machine.
That way getting the correct libraries on macOS for this is rather easy.
I’d recommend taking a look at the README in our develoment repository, you’ll find that it is actually quite straightforward. In case you need any support, feel free to ask here.