Error Attempting to Save Certain FIles

Hello, I am running into the following error when I attempt to save certain projects but not others even when they are of similar complexity:

If it’s relevant, I also get this popup when first loading the model which I normally don’t:

I only recently started using the software so apologies if this is a simple fix but I didn’t see anything in the documentation.

Thanks! Let me know if you need any other info.

Hello Hemang,

What is the full path of the executable (‘molflow’ or ‘molflow.exe’) that you’re running?

Thanks, Marton

Hello Marton,

C:\Users\dhemang\OneDrive -\Desktop\Vacuum Sims\molflow_win_2.8.12\molflow_win_2.8.12\molflow.exe


I would try running in C:\Users\dhemang\molflow_win_2.8.12\molflow.exe

I believe in the current cloud location, which might be set as a virtual filesystem, Molflow doesn’t have a write permission.

Let me know if it works, Marton


The same issue continued even in my C drive. Is it possible I’m running out of memory? I am trying to simplify perforated geometry as you demonstrated on your youtube channel, but I wanted to verify our results by simulating the whole model. The whole model has a 5m facet count.


Hello Hemang,

Sorrry for the late reply.
Molflow 2.8 is designed to up to ~200K facets, 2.9 is up to ~1M depending on GPU and memory.
5M is way over what’s practical.
You can check the memory status in task manager, the error message might come from pugiXML library as it cannot allocate the memory for the XML tree to be assembled.
In general, I would advise to limit the geometry to 200k facets, with tricks described here: