Error during opening of STL file

Hi !
Here is the message I get when I try to open the STL file :

I use Molflow 2.9.17.
What is strange is that Molflow 2.8.12 can open it without any problem…

Do you have the solution ?

Here is the STL file
STL_file.STL (2.5 MB)


The file has several vertices with -3.038582e-61 as Y coordinate and -3.798227e-62 as Z coordinate. They are considered invalid. I replaced them with “0” and the file now opens:

STL_file_fix.STL (2.5 MB)

Although I would say it’s rather a file than Molflow problem, I’ll check if the opening algorithm can be relaxed to accept very small numbers.

Molflow 2.9.15 started opening binary STL files, and for this the STL reading was rewritten. 2.8 interprets lines differently, and in this case the old algorithm accepts these coordinates as 0.

Cheers, Marton

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I’ve pushed a commit to fix the issue.

Since you use 2.9.17, I assume you’re building from source, otherwise you can download the artifact for your OS on the commit’s pipeline page.


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