I would like to perform MolFlow simulations of the vacuum chamber of a cyclotron that exhibits a six-fold symmetry (midplane mirror symmetry and three identical azimuthal sectors. Is it possible to take benefit of these symmetries, e.g. by using planes reflecting particles.
Hello Sytze, and happy new year to you to start with.
You can sure do it, either by setting mirror reflection on the two end-facets or by setting teleporting on them. In the second case molecules streaming out of one teleporting facet will come in from the teleported one, and viceversa. Teleporting follows strict rules. Both facets must have exactly the same shape and orientation (their normal vector), and (u,v) vectors definition. The one whose normal vector point OUT of the vacuum system must be set 2-sided. All this is doable on the “Adv” button…
If you put wrong teleport facet number you may get either leaks or molecules coming back via facets which are not the correct ones… you have to try it out a bit before doing it correctly, maybe. Save often, sometimes you can get a program crash. If it’s not clear write back sending the zip file and explaning what you want to do, and we can help. E-mail me at roberto.kersevan@cern.ch if you prefer, but unless it’s a proprietary model we’d prefer if you do it here, in public, for other users to profit.