Getting the full csv of the timewise plotter

Hi Marton, i hope you are doing great.

I have introduced an outgassing parameter for a certain facet depicted in the image below:

I would like to retrieve all the pressure “curves” in .csv format (in this case 200 for the 200 different outgassing values ) from the timewise plotter, but it seems to only allow 50 timesteps.

Any insights or suggestions you could provide would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and support.

Warm regards,


Hello Gustavo,

The 50 line limitation translates to 5000 data points and I didn’t allow more because updates every second would slow down the interface.

You can do either of the following:

  1. Change 1,1,50 to 51,1,100 (showing moments 51,52,…100) and so on, and do 4 copies to the clipboard and paste in Excel or similar.
  2. Use File/Export selected profiles (as .csv or .txt) which will contain all moments.

Good luck, Marton

Thanks a lot, the solution you provided worked out well!