Help...too many formula editor items

Somehow I got almost 900 entries of repeated items…maybe when importing selections wasn’t working??? Anyways how can I get rid of them without individually deleting them, which would probably take 1-2 hours to do. Can I unzip the file and edit the xml file to delete these entries?


Hello Alan,

Yes, you can save the file as XML by manually typing the filename in the save window, or just take the existing ZIP and extract it manually.

Then, with a text editor, delete the nodes (lines) on the following XML path:
SimulationEnvironment / Interface / Formulas

You can leave the <Formulas “nb=900”> untouched, it isn’t parsed.

Molflow can open directly the modified XML, or you can even re-compress to ZIP.

We have a new formula editor window (in addition to the old) in 2.9.21 (Test → ImGui menu), I’ll check if it can cause double import.

If you remember what you’ve been doing (inserting a new geometry? importing selection?) let me know.

Thanks Marton :slight_smile:

There might be something weird going on. When I went to edit out the repeating entries it was over 1000 formulas now. I’m pretty sure it was only 800 something before, but maybe not.


Ok, I’ll watch out for this bug - I tried a few basic operations, like inserting a file or reloading a geometry, and formulas acted normally. If you stumble upon an action that duplicates(?) formulas, let me know. Also, maybe you can share the offending file and I can try to play with it (you can even delete the facets and leave just the formulas).