How do I export detailed facet physics in a mesh/profile?

Hi All,
I am moving to the bash to run multiple experiments as I need different outgassing tests.

From these experiments I want to extract all of the data/profiles along a specified facet (no issues if it is only 100 points like the GUI) but how do I do this? (ideally the CSV format from the GUI)

I start by creating my experiment in the GUI and making the textures then move over to MOLFLOWCLI for the cmd approach.

However, by following the guide, it only gives me individual numbers.

Any tips are welcome!

Please detail what output you expect, and what “it only gives me individual numbers” means, and I’ll try to help.

Hello, what I would like to see is the CSV provided by the profiles or a list of values per mesh point in the texture. So far I the XML doesn’t appear to give me pressure data (or at least it isn’t labelled).

At the moment the only csv exported is average pressures, densities etc.

Use “export profiles” and “export textures” from the GUI’s File menu.

Otherwise you have to post-process the XML file with a custom script, but the way to do this isn’t documented.

Is there no way to do this from the command line interface? I want to avoid the GUI where possible!

For the xml approach, could you give me a hint on what is stored and where? When I looked through it, my outgassing was 10 times smaller than in the gui and the stored variables didn’t have interpretable names, such as ‘pressure’

Read this for the explanation of sum_v_ort, etc. in the xml and how to convert them to physical quantities: The algorithm behind MolFlow+ - MolFlow+ / SynRad+ documentation
focus on “calculating physical quantities”

outgassing is stored in SI units internally hence the factor of 10

otherwise wait until i write a python script to interpret xml files, i’ll try to squeeze in in the coming months, as it’s a common request.

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Many thanks for your advice! I also await your python script :slight_smile: