I was using a burst of gas to calculate the volume, I had zero pumping surfaces, so only 10 particles generated, one for each thread. It seems to take 5-10 secs of run time before those are all generated and once they have the MC counts stop for the plot, even though they still keep increasing in the facet list.
Beta (2.9) or stable (2.8) version?
Did you define time moments?
I can’t reproduce, send or attach the file here please.
Below is my simulated response to a burst until t=0.001s with zero sticking:
burstresponse_nostick.zip (85.2 KB)
That said, I managed to break Molflow, I’ll check this bug, probably the same that you encounter (editing properties while simulation is running):
Sorry, version 2.9.8 beta running on a Mac silicon M1 MacBook Pro. I looked at it more this morning and realized its not a bug, but the particles have advanced in time beyond the time bins, so they stop updating…as it should. Here are my test cases with some longer time bins included. You can see the early bins reach the pressure before the longer and later time bins as the particles advance in time.
Volume Test 1.zip (144.8 KB)
Volume Test 2.zip (56.6 KB)
Volume Test 3.zip (56.9 KB)