Some questions for molfow particles in setting

I am a new learner for Molflow, below are some questions:

  1. in one tutorial, Particles in for steel stainless is cosine and outg/area 1e-12 mbar*L/s/cm2, why use cosine?
  2. if I want to add Particles in for some CF 50 flanges, can I choose uniform and outgassing 1e-10 mbarL/s? I checked that the CF flanges leakage is about 1e-8 PaL/s.
  3. if I want to add Particles in for steel stainless bellows, can I set it similar with CF flanges or not? I didn’t find the data of bellows leakage.

Sorry Angel, I will need a bit more time to reply, I’ll get back to you.

Sorry for the late answer, many of the team are on holiday.

  1. Cosine is the default directional distribution in ultra high vacuum systems. See slides:

From source:

For your further questions, are you sure you don’t mix the term “leakage” (unwanted behavior due to incorrect sealing) and “outgassing” (gas load coming from a surface)? If you refer to outgassing, usually we express it as surface-specific outgassing (for example in mbar.l/s/cm2).

This value you can apply directly in Molflow:
Note that I selected the second text field.

For bellows, it depends how you represent them in Molflow, if you model them as a simple circle, you have to increase their specific outgassing to take into account the unodeled surface (the bends).

Hi, Maarton,

Thanks a lot for your explanation.

Yes, I mixed the leakage with outgassing.

So for all of tube, CF flange and bellows, I should choose “cosine” and “outg/area(mbar*l/s/cm2)”: 1e-12 for tube, 1e-8 for flange and bellows. I drew some inner waves for bellow.

A more question: for one surface, I need a pump speed, such as 100L/s, can I remain its outgasing data? or delete it?

if there are some reports for different materials outgassing data, such as copper, ceramic or steel with high temp?

thanks again.

Yes, you can use sticking and outgassing at the same time: facets will create particles and if they come back to the facet at a later time, they will stick.

I can’t help with reports about material outgassing - as it depends on many parameters (cleaning, surface history etc.) literature research is required.

Thanks a lot. I will try some models.