I have 2 separate objects which I would like to stick together. I have selected the facets which I wish to use on each object and chosen the 4 vertices - 2 on each facet, but I get the message:
“Both selected facets are on the source object, One must be on the destination”
The align command is not obvious, and it’s important to have a look at the “fine print”:
The title is “align selected facets to an other” - it will by default move those facets that were already selected when you opened the align window (unless you pressed “update from selection”.
Then you move to second step: align two-two vertices on the source (to move) and the destination (to snap to) facets, and select source and destination facets.
You can see a valid selection when you click Align as an example:
Hi Marton,
That worked thanks. I think I should have read the instructions a bit more carefully.
The model now functions, but I have a leak where I have joined a pipe which came from the STL file to a pipe which I generated within MolFlow. I guess I could remove this leak by extruding the pipe from the STL pipe, but (as far as I can see) somewhere along the line I will have to join a pipe generated within MolFlow to the STL model. Do you have a method whereby such leaks could be removed/reduced ?
Yes, the “transition between two facets” command can join two facets with different shapes. Leave a bit of space between the two (so they don’t touch each other) and Molflow will create the wall.