SynRad - bug with copying data from 'Details' on newer versions?

Hello Marton,

I'm experiencing a small bug with newer versions of SynRad. When using SynRad 1.3.19 I try a familiar task of copying a selction of data from 'Details' but I can't get it to paste like usual into an external program like Excel.

In SynRad 1.3.19 I select a number of facets, open 'Details', and then right click and 'Copy all' for a column of information (for example 'Power'), however the data is not pasting into an external program like Excel (or Word, NotePad etc.). I'm getting no response so it seems it is not registering my 'copy' request. Strangely this feature works fine on an older version like SynRad 1.3.7...

I don't have this problem with any versions of MolFlow.

Copying info from details is very useful for breaking down a ray trace on a complex model with lots of facets. Do you have any ideas why I'm having this issue?

Thanks for your help!
Jason Carter

Hello Jason,

Synrad is in the middle of a big rewrite - I'm in the process of merging most of the code with Molflow. The advantage would be that when modifying/fixing some shared function (graphics, menus, geometry editor functions), they would immediately propagate to both programs, reducing (in theory) my work to half.

As part of this process, Synrad will become 64-bit.

Version 1.3.19 indeed had its clipboard completely disabled by mistake (in technical terms, it expected a 32-bit Windows version, but parts of the code were already 64-bit. Not knowing which OS it's running on, it didn't know what clipboard to use).

In the beginning of september, I've uploaded 1.3.20 which fixes the clipboard (and is already 64-bit). Can you give it a try?

If it has some other bugs, or the clipboard doesn't work, let me know and I'll do a fix!
