my goal is to simulate a leak in a vaccuum chamber, and to be able to take pressure readings in fractions of a second. I’m doing this by applying an outgassing rate to a facet on my object that matches the leak rate of air flowing in, and by using the time dependent function to track the pressure change. But I’m running into some problems. On my timewise plotter, the pressure is displaying as zero in many places when it should be a non zero pressure, because there is also outgassing on every facet. It looks like on the timewise plotter though, it is picking up on some of the pressure readings near the leak, but that’s it. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this? I tried playing with the low flux mode, but that did not seem to solve this problem.
Another solution is making the y axis logarithmic. Below is what the plot looks like when I did this. I looks like it captured more values but left out the first and last section of the facet. Also I cannot copy these values to my clipboard for some reason.