While simulation is running you can create a new outgassing time profile in the time parameter editor. Doing so will generate several error messages if you restart the simulation. The best I can tell the simulation uses what the currently displayed profile is in the editor, not what has been already defined using the editor before and whose name has already been typed into the outgassing input box. So is the editor strictly an editor or must it also hold the currently used time dependent outgassing profile.
Also, there are predefined “catalog” profiles but they are not useful. All you can do is look at them but there is no way to “copy” it as a new profile or reference them in the outgassing input box.
The catalog auto-discovers .CSV files in the parameter_catalog directory:
Currently there’s only a Dirac burst.
This is a regular parameter, you can reference it in outgassing (you have to include [catalog] and ‘csv’ in its name), i.e. copy the full text field:
to the outgassing box:
This function is preparing Molflow for more serious parameter import, for the upcoming NEG film saturation function - there will be many materials auto-loaded in the catalog.
I can’t seem to create the same error as before, when creating a new profile. So long as the profile name that you use in the facet’s outgassing input is in the list molflowz seems happy. Using 2.9.8 beta on a MacBook Pro M1.
I created some of my own catalog files too. But when you hit apply you get an error that say the file is read only. But are you suppose to hit apply since it’s already on the list??? I tried typing the long name before without it recognizing it, probably typed wrong name, but seems to work now. Since the facet’s outgassing input box is so short, you can see the whole name at once for typing mistakes.
I would also rename the Apply button to something more meaningful, like “Add” or “Add to List”. Apply makes me think it is being applied to the facet along with having to hit Apply button for the facet. Also the “Add” button should be grayed out when looking at a previously defined profile from the list, until you make a change to it. In which cause you are not really “Adding” it but “Updating” it. Choice of button names is a little confusing. Maybe just use the name “Save” rather than “Add” or “Apply”