I was doing some time response analysis (outgassing step function) on a tube for a diagnostic and the time response unexpected got faster. This happened some time after rescaling and moving vertices. I tried moving them back but it didn’t fix the problem. I had to started over from scratch to recreate the tube again and the time response went back to what I expected. I tried to attach the two files and but CERN will not let me, so I emailed them to you Marton. Rev 2 is the bad one and Rev 3 is the one which is good. I used version 2.9.3 for MacOS that I complied myself.
Attaching the files for further reference
Time Response Tube Rev2.zip (612.9 KB)
Time Response Tube Rev3.zip (996.1 KB)
I suspect upgrading to Molflow 2.8.6 or 2.9.4 beta fixes the issue, waiting for feedback.