Update Vertex Coordinate List after a facet or vertex operation

I don’t know if this is a bug or just not a feature. Selected vertices shown in the vertex coordinate list do not update when you perform an operation on facets or vertices that move them. You have to close and then reopen the list to get the new coordinates or clear and reselect the vertices. I do this a lot when I’m building a simplified model from a more complicated CAD import. For me it’s just an inconvenient extra step in building a model. This usual involves selecting two vertices and pasting their coordinates into a spreadsheet that calculate things like lengths angles and etc… to help build, move or rotate a model into place.


It’s indeed a bug, I forgot to call for an update on facet move. Will fix when back from holidays next week.

Don’t forget to check the other operations too: rotation, mirror, and etc…Not only for facet but also for vertex operations too.

Also when you do any vertex operation as a copy, the new vertices created are not shown in the list.

Fixed, will be in next version.

I’ve added a “refresh” button to both coordinate windows, bottom right, in case they somewhow still become out of sync.

Finally, for distance between two vertices, you can use the “move vertex” or “move facet” command and the base/target vertex options (it won’t calculate angle, though):
