Variable sticking coefficient


I think it will be good anyway to take into account the occypancy of desorption sites stating the sticking coefficient as S=S0*(1-Nads/Nsites_total), for example. What you think about it?


This can't be done with the current code as sticking would depend on the pressure, but pressure would depend on the sticking. As test particles aren't created in chronological order, governing parameters (like sticking) must be constant.


Changing the simulation method (forcing test particles to generate in chronological order) would not solve the problem as the elapsed time would scale with the number of hits simulated - even for a million hits with average mean free path of 0.1m, the simulated time would be only about a minute - the upper limit for such a simulation.


The real solution would be to make iterative steady-state simulations and update the sticking factor after each step. This requires a major rewrite of the current code but there is very large interest for it in the community, so it is planned.

Yes, its clear now :-). Anyway thank you, Marton, for such a huge piece of excellent work! Good luck indeed!