Webinar on fixing common geometry problems

It would be very useful to create a webinar that shows methods to fix common problems related to the geometry of a part such as, for example, how to fix a facet that has null, non-simple or non-planar facets or to fix parts in a geometry that has leaks. Perhaps address in this webinar other challenges user had encountered when dealing with issues in the geometry

When you import a valid STL geometry to Molflow, or use a built-in editor, there are no leaks, null or non planar facets.

These come from the external editor’s STL generation mechanism (I assume that’s how you work), and I can’t help on fixing them, as the root cause is external to Molflow, and depending on the CAD tool, the fix or the nature of the exact problem is different.

There are tips how to make simple geometries with CAD editors, though: Designing geometries for Molflow - MolFlow+ / SynRad+ documentation