I see you keep releasing newer versions of both 2.8.X and 2.9.Y_beta. Does the latest 2.9 beta always have more features than the latest 2.8? I can’t really tell the difference from just skimming the change logs. If I go from using 2.9.8_beta to 2.8.11 what features would I lose? Do changes done in 2.9 get put into later versions of 2.8? Will 2.8 eventually stop and 2.9 become the latest stable version and 2.10 becomes beta???
It’s a very good question so I’ve written a dedicated page about it and linked it from the downloads.
Also, today I released the 2.9.9 beta, with a very long list of changes, including the coordinate axes you asked for. Among others, the new OpenGL rendering can fluidly handle up to a million facets on your M1 Macbook.
Marton, by the way that coordinate axes has been handy. It helps to know which direction to move a facet, make a slice, and etc… without having to zoom out/in to find the previous one located at the origin.
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