Lately I've been think about this question so I started to look back at the theroetical derrivations and experiemental data and how this translates into single trajectory simulations like molflow. I'm still not satified that I understand this completely yet, but will muse this more over the weekend. I thought I would start this thread if others want to contribute to this. This would also apply to the type of reflection you choose for a facet, uniform or diffuse which I assume means isotropic or cos/lambertian respectively.
This is what I have so far. Experimentally, reflection is diffuse/cos/lambertian (The Physical Basis of UHV, Redhead) for 99.9% of most "working" surfaces used in UHV. For crystaline surfaces you can get some spectular reflection and diffraction. Also the more likely gas accommodates to a surface the more likely it will also reflect as diffuse/cos/lambertian. This is because reflection, in this case, is a two step procecess of adsorption then desorption; also from Redhead. This would imply that any desorption source should also be diffuse/cos/lambertian.
However, when I assume particles leave a surface with a 1-sided MWBD (Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity Distribution) I obtain an isotropic source. I have not worked backwards to see what type of velocity distribution you get when you assume a diffuse/cos/lambertian source. I would have guess particles would leave as a 1-sided MWBD, but the experimental data says otherwise.
So do real isotropic sources exist? I guess a sphere whose outer surface is diffuse/cos/lambertian would become isotropic if treated as a point source. Point sources don't exist in molflow so should you always choose diffuse/cos/lambertian in order for it to be physically real? Maybe I've got it backwards. Perhaps all particles leave a "flat" surface isotropically (1-sided MWBD), but a real "working" UHV surface is rough on a microscopic scale so is made up of many "flat" surfaces pointing in many directions. I wonder if this produces a diffuse/cos/lambertian distribution? If this is so, then would a highly polished SS surface behave as a "flat" surface?
If you have a volume with a MWB gas in it and with a small apeture (small compared to the rest of the surface area of the volume), then gas comming out of the apeture will be diffuse/cos/lambertian.